Friday, September 28, 2007

5 Senses In Our Sex Life

The five Senses of sex:

1. Taste
2. Touch
3. Hearing
4. Smell
5. Sight

All six play a powerful role in who we’re attracted to, good sex, bad sex, and finding our way to a better relationship. In times of stress and disconnection, the senses offer a direct route to happiness. They’re free, and there are no side effects. So why not turn back to what nature provided us?


We all know that matters of the mouth figure prominently in sex. A kiss is the first sexual act we share, and the mouth is an erogenous zone that’s on full display. Ever wonder why we eat when we court each other? Maybe because it’s a primeval activity, much like sex itself.

Food equals seduction when you share it with your partner. Foods that are colorful and sensual (like strawberries, papayas, and avocados) evoke the feminine mystique. Bananas, carrots, and celery evoke his. For the ultimate experience, feed each other, eat with your fingers, and relish the variety of textures and flavors.

Then take it to the bedroom. There’s no reason to skip dessert … honey, hot fudge, or whipped cream can work wonders for guiding your partner’s attention to an overlooked body part!


Touch is most conspicuous of the five senses when exploring sex. Unlike the other senses, sex cannot happen in the absence of touch.

However, touch is far more than intercourse alone. The bonds of intimacy are woven through many different kinds of touch — a familiar pat on the back, a quick squeeze of the hand, the languorous cuddling that puts us in full-body contact with a lover. Inside the bedroom and out, touch is a powerhouse for intimacy.

Touch communicates in a way that words can’t. Have you ever had truly magical kiss? Or how about the wonderful feeling of your partner’s embrace when you least expect it? Touch sends “I love yous” to our brains and relaxation to our bodies-important to remember when words have started pushing you and your partner further apart, rather than closer together.

Touch can help break a relationship stalemate. Women tend to crave more nonsexual touching — a little backrub on the couch or holding hands as you do a daily errand together. Men speak their language of love during sex.

All you have to do is reach out and touch someone….


The ears most definitely do double-duty as sexual organs. Who hasn’t whispered sweet nothings into the ears of a beloved? The sound of another’s voice can be heaven or hell.

In fact, how a couple argues is the primary predictor of long-term success and happiness. Withdrawing, stonewalling and bringing up the past are destructive tactics that ultimately weaken intimacy. Choose your words wisely and practice listening — really listening — as much as you do venting.

There’s the power of sound inside the bedroom. Words are like invisible hands that arouse the body in unexpected ways. Men especially love to hear the sounds of an enthusiastic partner. And like giving compliments, pushing yourself to be more verbal in bed can boost your arousal. You’re talking yourself towards new heights of sexual satisfaction. It’s not simply about talking dirty — it’s about finding your comfort zone and expressing what you are feeling and craving.

Whether inside the bedroom or out, sound is a sensory delight just waiting to be turned-on for great sex and a great relationship.


Smell is the ultimate sex sense. Unexpected, right?

In fact, smell is the only sense that bypasses the rational part of our brains on its way to being decoded. Watch out! Smell registers in the primal brain, known as the limbic system. It’s the buzz center for unexplained attractions and the sex you just can’t forget.

As a result, pheromones are slinging at least some of Cupid’s arrows. However, don’t put any stock in those pheromone perfumes on the market. They don’t work. Showing some skin is a far better mating strategy — in more ways than one.

There are also a variety of smellable aromatic delights that can give your love life a boost. Try burning some essential oils bedside or before your next date. Exotic, sensual scents include vanilla, patchouli and ylang-ylang. Experiments have found that the smell of pumpkin pie and lavender increases blood flow to the male reproductive organs by 40%! The smell of licorice and donuts increases it by 32%. For the ladies, licorice did the trick, followed by banana bread.

So get stripping or get cooking!


Do you believe in love at first sight? A 2005 Fox News poll revealed that about half of us do, while half don’t.

Sight is often what inspires romantic interest in the first place. Someone catches our eye and we’re off — the brain is on a mission and the heart goes aflutter. We write a love letter, buy new lingerie, and undress, all in worship of the wonders of sight.

Evolutionary theory has it that physical appearance was the best way for prehistoric man to size up a fertile mate. The markers of such fertility still ring true today: healthy skin, bright eyes, symmetrical features, even childbearing hips. We haven’t strayed too far from the caveman ideal.

There are far subtler ways that sight bewitches and beguiles. Eye contact is a primary communicator of interest — or lack thereof. When we fancy someone, we usually look and look away before maintaining eye contact for just slightly longer than normal.

And this is where our sense of sight can be helpful for our sex lives. When you see someone you like, make a point to linger just a little once you make eye contact, if only for a second. And it’s not just for seducing new love interests. Send your current partner a strong message by looking deeply into his eyes while across the dinner table or at a crowded party with your friends. Think intimate thoughts and he’ll feel the burn of your gaze.

Inside the bedroom, a Tantric technique known as soul-gazing is used to transmit sexual energy and healing. Give it a try! Sit comfortably facing your partner and stare softly into each other’s eyes. Focus your gaze on the eye above the heart. You can place a hand over each other’s heart to synchronize your breathing, too.

You’ll find the eyes make a straight line to the heart.

(Content by Dr. Laura Berman | Drlauraberman )

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